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Horizontes, a 2017 Knight Cities Challenge winner, is an artist-driven, community engagement art project that aims to connect two underrepresented neighborhoods in north Wichita, the predominantly Latino NorthEnd and historically African American Northeast neighborhoods, which are both physically and psychologically separated by large grain elevators along the industrial corridor.
Through a door-to-door community engagement campaign and the creation of large-scale murals, we hope to catalyze a participatory vision for the future of north Wichita.
Horizontes is one of 33 Knight Cities Challenge 2017 Winners, and was selected from more than 4,500 applicants. The Knight Cities Challenge seeks new ideas from innovators who will take hold of the future of our cities.
Wichita is seen as a diverse city bubbling with opportunity and fresh community development initiatives. This renewed economic activity raises the question of who has access to these renewed opportunities and resources. The North and Northeast neighborhoods are living examples of a historic and systemic lack of access to opportunity and resources that could result in lasting community development. (source:
The Color Line
The Color Line (Horizontes Portrait Project) highlight's community members through a portrait series facilitated by these local photographers from the community. This will lead to the archive and display of these portraits at the Kansas African-American Museum. Follow @HorizontesProject for highlights and behind the scenes. (source:

Above: Photographs are a part of the Horizontes Project, "The Color Line"- Photographer, Alexis Rivierre, July 2018, Featured in the Photographs (From left to right: Antonesha, Perrishon, Janet, John, Alberta, Lanore, Sean, Vivian; Participants.
Horizontes: Summer Mural Jam
Location: 2130 N. Market, Wichita, KS. 67214

To learn more about The Horizontes Project, and see the work of the other project participants visit: